Monday 17 February 2014

Where am I ? ....What am I doing?

So one minute I'm playing four different characters at TMAG, "Settlement Secrets", then I'm playing six different characters at the Cascades Female Factory, "Louisa's Walk", then I'm in Melbourne to audition for one character and end up auditioning for a different I'm back in Strahan playing an escaped convict and leading tours on Sarah Island.   Dizzying but exciting life.

The audition went very well by the way but I have learnt not to get excited untill you're on the plane.
Whether I get a part or not, I have now mastered...sort of...the Mandolin and the Ukulele so all is not lost.  I have purchased a fantastic little Uklele which is black and in the shape of a Gibson Les Paul guitar.  It even has a pick up with tone and volume controls.   A little down the track I will get a Mandolin as well which will break up my gig quite nicely.   I would like to thank Andy Kowaluk very much for lending me his mandolin to practice on for the audition.  

In other exciting news....I saw Monty again in the dam at South Hobart.  The people on my tour were fascinated.  He was unfazed and just dived down and up, posing for photos.